Van der Valk | New Cast & Characters | Season 3

Publish date: 2024-05-09

(solemn music) - We've got a couple of new cast members that we wanted to introduce.

Sergeant Citra Li, played by Django Chan-Reeves and Sergeant Eddie Suleman played by Azan Ahmed.

- So, not wishing to label anyone here, but which one are you, Jack the Lad or Statman?

- [Maimie] Azan, who's playing Eddie, brings an energy which I think kind of brings fuel to the team.

- Nice one.

- [Lucienne] What's this then, I thought you were mentoring Eddie, not hanging out?

- I can tell a lot about someone from how they play chess.

- I think with Van der Valk, he's almost got like a slightly younger version of himself there, this kind of young rookie who's very keen.

- You can tell a lot about someone from the vehicle they drive.

What'd you think I've got?

- A knackered bike, probably something you picked up at Lost Property.

- Yeah, actually.

- Oh, there you go.

- Eddie looks up to Van der Valk as sort of a mentor.

He really is impressed by the way Van der Valk handles himself on cases, how sharp he is.

- They work well together.

- Says who?

- Me.

Hendrik likes her.

- Hendrik?

(saxophone shrieking) - Anything that means anything, stop!

I'm all for dissonance, but even free form has syntax.

- It's harder than it looks, isn't it?

She's an incredibly complex character.

I'd say, she's got a lot of layers and she's gone through a lot.

So I think she carries that with her through work, but in a kind of guarded sense.

She has a huge external barrier which I think helps her professionally.

But under that, there are a lot of emotions and stuff like that, that I think she hasn't probably dealt with.

- Don't overthink it, Van der Valk and Lucienne, they're pretty chill.

Well, Lucienne is- - Yeah, but I'm not.

- Why is that?

- That, Mr. Suleman, is none of your business.

- [Maimie] This team, you know, it's like a family.

- Sort of like a dysfunctional family or functional family, actually.

And the two new members have fitted in amazingly.

- You will see new faces, spooky cases, shot in gorgeous places.
