Lindsay Usich Is Married To Marilyn Manson

Publish date: 2024-05-09

A photographer, Lindsay Usich, who is fond of photography from a young age, secretly married singer and actor Marilyn Manson in 2020 during Coronavirus lockdown. She has a twin sister Ashley. Lindsay has been abused emotionally and physically by her husband, Manson, which has been witnessed by the co-host who has worked with Manson in 2014 and 2015.

Lindsay Usich Married Marilyn Manson During The Pandemic In 2020

A photographer Lindsay Usich married singer-songwriter, Marilyn Manson, recently in 2020 during the lockdown. Manson is also a composer, actor, painter, author, musician, and music journalist. He is also called Marilyn. He lives in a Spanish style in Hollywood Hills, California.

In 2012, Revolver magazine post about their relationship, from which their relationship might have begun. A painting of Lindsay was published by an article that Manson painted.

Singer Manson and Lindsay married secretly in the Coronavirus lockdown. While having a conversation for the Interview Magazine with Nicholas Cage, Manson talked about their wedding and revealed that Cage was the only guest in the wedding who said the wedding was wonderful while Manson dedicated the song ‘Love Me Tender’ for Lindsay.

“You were the only guest at the wedding on FaceTime. And you definitely c**k blocked me on singing ‘Love Me Tender’ because you mentioned you were going to sing it to us, but I had set up a karaoke machine to do it myself. We both sang it in the end, and your version was even more beautiful.”

Except for this talk, there are no more details regarding their wedding. However, Lindsay confirmed their wedding through an Instagram, adding “Warner.”

Physical Abuse By Husband Marilyn Manson

36-years-old Lindsay Usich has been emotionally and physically abused by his husband, Manson. And metal singer Otep Shamaya accused him of abusing Lindsay.

The co-host of the comedy podcast “Rare Form Radio,” Dan Clearly, who worked with Manson in 2014 and 2015, said he witnessed Manson pushing Lindsay and also throw things at her threatening to kill her. This is what Clearly said in an episode,

“I saw some physical abuse as far as like pushing and throwing things at her and a lot of like violent outbursts around her ― breaking things. There were times when Manson would tell her that he’s going to kill her and cut her up and that I’m going to bury her in the desert ― me.”

Clearly also added:

“He would leave the room and I would [tell her], ‘You’re going to be fine. I’m not going to do any of that. Let’s get you to a hotel.”

Clearly did not mention directly to Usich but pointed to the woman as Manson’s “then-girlfriend” and “now-wife.” But Lindsay has not claimed about abuse publicly until now as HuffPost could not contact her immediately.

Not only Lindsay's case but Manson has also been accused of allegations like torture, psychological abuse, and sexual assault, the cascade of assault and harassment by many women. But Manson denied the allegation as he called them “horrible distortions of reality.” However, he claimed about his, “intimate relationships have always been entirely consensual.”

Lindsay Usich Age, Mother, And Height

Photographer Lindsay Usich was born on 2nd October 1984 in Florida. 

She has a twin sister, Ashley. She spent her childhood with her and had an entertaining childhood as they used to produce fake commercials, music, and dance videos. However, they switched their interest into photography and film after growing up.

Her mother’s name is Hope who was passed in October 2020.

She shared the news on Instagram stories where she bid her farewell posting, 

“Our mother, Hope, was one of the most strong-willed and funny women I ever knew. Last night she left this world but she will remain in our hearts and our memories. We will miss and love you always.” 

Lindsay has a height of 5 feet 7 inches and a weight of 60 kgs.

How Much Is Lindsay Usich Net Worth?

Lindsay Usich, who is also known as Lindsay Elizabeth Warner, has a net worth of $1.4 million as of 2021. She earns money from her profession as a photographer.

She was fond of photography from a young age. She learned photography skills by herself from other photographers as she used to watch and learn different skills from them. After learning photography, she started her professional career at the age of 17.

She even shared how she started photography as she used to use books instead of a tripod to make the camera steady. Her photographs are based on momentary feelings and intuition. According to her, “feminity and romanticism often go hand in hand with darker, more macabre elements- this is especially true in my life.”

She even stated about the photography:

“I find what works best for my vision is pulling something from the exact moment. Since I do usually shoot with 35mm cameras there is an element of surprise each time I develop the film. Sometimes those last shots I’ve taken impatiently trying to finish off a roll are the very best! “

In 2012, Lindsay was responsible for shooting Manson’s 2012 album Born Villain‘s cover art. When she was living in New York in 2011, her macabre photographs were featured in Dazed. 

In 2020, Flaunt revealed that her sideline projects include exclusive perfume and capsule collections for the Cete clothing line in Los Angeles.
