Trump's Doctor Touts 77-Year-Old's Health on Biden's 81st Birthday

Publish date: 2024-05-08

Former President Donald Trump, 77, is "in excellent health," according to a report released by his doctor on the day that President Joe Biden turned 81.

Dr. Bruce Aronwald, a New Jersey-based doctor who has been Trump's personal physician since 2021, said in a letter released by the Trump campaign on Monday that he was "pleased to report that [former] President Trump's overall health is excellent."

Meanwhile, Biden celebrated his 81st birthday amid continuing speculation about his health and cognitive state. Despite the speculation and the fact that Biden is the oldest person to ever serve as president, there is no evidence that he is suffering from any serious health issues.

Trump's doctor said in the letter on Monday that the former president had undergone "several comprehensive examinations" and "specialist consultations," with the most recent exam being conducted on September 13.

Aronwald highlighted the "exceptional" results of unspecified "cognitive exams." Trump previously boasted about having "aced" a Montreal Cognitive Assessment test, a simple screening tool for mild cognitive problems, and frequently questions the current president's mental and physical fitness.

"His physical exams were well within the normal range and his cognitive exams were exceptional," wrote Aronwald. "Recent extensive laboratory analysis remains well within normal limits and was even more favorable than prior testing in some of the most significant parameters, most likely secondary to weight reduction."

Although the letter does not offer Trump's weight, height or any other detailed metrics, Aronwald wrote that the former president lost weight due to an "improved diet" and "daily physical activity."

"Cardiovascular studies are all normal and cancer screening tests are all negative," wrote Aronwald. "[Former] President Trump has reduced his weight through an improved diet and continued daily physical activity, while maintaining a rigorous schedule. It is my opinion that President Trump is currently in excellent health."

The doctor went on to predict that the ex-president would "continue to enjoy a healthy active lifestyle for years to come" due to "his continued interest in preventative health monitoring and maintenance."

Additional details about the nature of the tests that Trump underwent or the specialists that he visited are unclear. With the last exam purportedly having taken place over two months ago, it is also unclear why the report was released on Monday.

Newsweek reached out for comment to Trump's office via email on Monday.

In February, Dr. Kevin O'Connor, physician to Biden, issued a summary of the current president's health status following a "comprehensive review" of his medical history and "detailed physical examination" at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

O'Connor concluded at the time that Biden "remains a healthy, vigorous, 80-year-old male, who is fit to successfully execute the [duties] of the Presidency, to include those as Chief Executive, Head of State and Commander in Chief."

A small lesion that was removed from the president's chest was later determined to be basal cell carcinoma, a very common form of skin cancer that usually does not pose serious health risks.

The doctor also noted that Biden had undergone an "extremely detailed" and "reassuring" neurological exam that found no "cerebellar or central neurological disorder," although it was not clear that the president had taken a cognitive exam.

Republican Representative Ronny Jackson of Texas, who was Trump's White House doctor and remains an ardent supporter of the ex-president, claimed that Biden's exam was "a cover-up," insisting without evidence that Biden had a "cognitive issue" and suffered from "mental decline."

Jackson's assessments of Trump's health during this time in the White House raised some eyebrows for including excessively flattering rhetoric and a preposterous claim that "if [Trump] had a healthier diet over the last 20 years he might live to be 200 years old."

"He loved looking at my body. It was so strong," Trump said of Jackson during a Conservative Political Action Conference speech last year. "But he said I'm the healthiest president that's ever lived. I was the healthiest. I said, 'I like this guy.'"

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