Mangoes no more a 'forbidden fruit' for diabetic patients | Health News

Publish date: 2024-05-08

Who wouldn’t like to bite into a slice of ripe, yellow juicy mango, and enjoy the sweet memories that came along with it. But for diabetic patients ripe mango has always been a ‘forbidden fruit’ primarily due to its high sugar content. This is not the case anymore as recent researches conducted in Australia states that adding a mango or two into the diet of diabetic patients won’t do any harm. In fact, the study says that eating mangoes regularly can even prevent diabetes.

Food items with high Glycemic Index (GI) value may rapidly increase the glucose levels in blood. But according to a report by the World Health Organization (WHO), a person requires 55 percent carbohydrates and 45 percent protein to lead a healthy diet. The diabetic patients get their daily dose of carbohydrates from those fruits, vegetables and pulses which have low Glycemic Index value.

Glycemic Index could be defined as the ability of food to cause fluctuations in the blood glucose levels. Food with high GI increases the level of glucose in the blood. The level of absorption of food by your body could also determine the glucose in the blood.

Diabetic patients should include food with low Glycemic Index value in their diet to keep a check on the blood sugar levels. It is ideal for them to choose food items that have a GI value of less than 60; while GI value between 59 and 40 could be called a medium range. GI value below 19 is way less than what is ideally required for the human body, and it is definitely not good for diabetic patients to consume food with GI value above 60. It is the fiber content in fruits and vegetables that determine the Glycemic Index.

It is very common for diabetic patients to snack on biscuits. Now before you open another pack, just understand that the GI value of biscuits is 82 which is way higher than what is actually safe for a diabetic patient. Meanwhile the GI value of fruits like ripe mangoes is 58 and it is even much less in water melon. So if you feel like having a mango post dinner, you can cut down a chapathi or roti from your dinner menu and can thus easily maintain your carbohydrate intake.

As per the report of the Australian Health and Medical Research Congress, a few elements separated from mangoes can actually help regulate the metabolism of human body, and also safe guard it from life style diseases like cholesterol and diabetes. We may say ‘no’ to anything sweet in our diet for the fear of getting diabetes. But these studies prove otherwise and say it is actually good to have fruits which taste sweet. So when you visit the store next time, do not hesitate to pick up a nice little ripe mango.

