Chris Rock Tangled In Federal Investigation

Publish date: 2024-05-08

Funny man Chris Rock found himself in the middle of a federal investigation involving wire tapping and racketeering charges against a high profile Hollywood private investigator.

Known in Hollywood as “P.I. to the stars” Anthony Pellicano is currently on trial for secretly tapping conversations between himself and other A-list celebrities, including Rock.

One particular conversation wiretapped in 2001 by Pellicano connected Rock to rape allegations between himself and a woman later identified as Monica Zsibrita.


The 31-minute recording, which was posted on includes Rock saying that he’s worried about a rape allegation that could damage his career, with Pellicano replying that he will try to undermine the accuser’s reputation.

“That’s why I want to blacken this girl up, totally,” the man who is alleged to be Rock says on the recording. “I want to make her out to be a lying, scumbag, manipulative (expletive).“

No charges were ever filed against Rock regarding the allegations and the palimony suit was dropped.


Rock‘s press representative Matt Labov stated that while the Rock hired Pellicano, he never asked the P.I. to do anything illegal.

While Rock‘s name appears on the prosecution witness list, it is unclear as to whether or not the comedian will be testifying. According to the Associated Press, prosecutors for the Pellicano case have declined to comment on the recording and whether or not it would be played for jurors during the trial.

Pellicano was indicted on 110 counts in federal court in Los Angeles with crimes ranging from racketeering and conspiracy to witness tampering, extortion and identity theft.


Reported by Krysten Hughes.
