5 Meanings of Dreaming about being Chased

Publish date: 2024-05-08

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Dreaming about being chased by something or someone is a common theme stemming from your anxiety. Dream Moods says that in such dreams, you could be running from an attacker, an animal, a monster or some unknown figure who wants to hurt or possibly kill you.

The fight or flight response is a natural way to deal with physical threats from the environment. Listed below are 5 meaning of dreaming about being chased by something or someone.

1. Being chased signifies avoidance

A dream about being chased indicates that you are avoiding problems in your real life. The action in your dream reflects your response to pressure and how you address fear, stress and different kinds of situation. Instead of facing such a situation, you tend to run and avoid things that you feel uncomfortable with.

2. Being chased signifies close-mindedness

If someone chases you in a dream, it may indicate your close-minded tendency. You tend to refuse to acknowledge a certain viewpoint or idea or you may refuse to accept that others may have a different opinion than yours.

3. Being chased signifies running away from yourself

In a dream, the chaser or attacker might be an aspect of your own self. You might suppress or deny certain feelings or characteristics of yourself. Anger, jealousy, fear and even love can manifest as a threatening figure in your dream. And you could be projecting the feelings to the one that chases you.

4. Being chased signifies fear

To run away from a pursuer in your dream represents fear of being attacked. Such dreams are experienced more by women than men, who may feel physically vulnerable in their environment.

5. You are the one chasing

If you are the one doing the chasing, the dream can indicate your drive and ambition to chase something you want or chase someone you want. On the other hand, it can also mean that you are falling behind in several aspects of your life and you have to play catch up to others.

