This Is What You'll Find On Jordyn Woods' OnlyFans

Publish date: 2024-05-07

Jordyn Woods is nothing if not laser-focused on her career and her image, so it comes as no surprise that she knows exactly what she is going to share on OnlyFans. Specifically, she let her followers know that she wasn't going to be "taking photos out of [her] phone and posting it," telling Complex that, instead, she will be working with a professional photographer to curate photos that depict her in a different light.

"I have teamed up with one of my absolute favorite photographers, Steven Gomillion, who has created some of the most iconic photos," Woods said. "We're creating art on here; we're not posting just random selfies. There's going to be really edgy, iconic photos of me on there, and it felt like OnlyFans was the right platform to launch this project because it's completely different than anything that I've ever done."

While she is concentrating on uploading bold images at the moment, that doesn't mean she won't share video content in the future. "I know that these images are going to speak volumes on their own, but who's to say [what the content will be] in a year from now?" Woods told Complex. "It's not limited to just photos, but you know, with any good project, I think you just kind of try it out and then you grow with it."
