Hottest Female Sports Stars | WrestleZone Forums

Publish date: 2024-05-07
Yeah, it's a testosterone fueled hottie thread, get over it.

Here's my top 4:

4. Maria Sharapova. Tennis star and uber-hottie. She was compared to Anna Kournikova for a long time, but then she did something Anna never did - she WON. Somehow, that made her HOTTER and less of a tragic figure.


3. Biba Golic. ESPN's commericals fired up this Serbian sweethearts webhits in a BIG way. Somehow, she may even do for Table Tennis what Kournikova did for Women's Tennis and Jennie Finch did for softball - create interest based off of hotness. She did get to make an appearance in "Balls of Fury."


2. Anna Kournikova. Still a top-5 hottie, though bounced from the top spot much like from every tournament she's ever participated in. Never won a tournament, but still was more popular and searched than any tennis player, probably in history. And they say sex doesn't sell...wait, nobody says that...


1. Jennie Finch.! This blonde fastball managed to be an amazing softball player, an uber hottie, AND a role model to girl athletes everywhere, preaching hard work, proper diet, and a healthy body image. She has it all...all she needs now


I'd love to invite everyone to participate in my immature nut-fueled endeavor with their own choices, lists, pics, etc. Just remember - no spamming in this thread, back up your choices.
