The Walking Dead: Scary new image of the mysterious creatures to feature in Episode 6 emerges

Publish date: 2024-05-06

Episode 6 of The Walking Dead is set to feature Connie (Lauren Ridloff) and Virgil (Kevin Carroll).

In the synopsis for the episode, it was revealed that the characters would face “mysterious creatures” as they take shelter in a house.

“Escaping from walkers, Connie and Virgil hide in a house occupied by mysterious creatures,” the synopsis read.

Now, a new image has emerged that shows one of these strange creatures.

Connie was last seen near death when Virgil came across her at the end of Season 10 of The Walking Dead. However, they have not featured at all since then, with Connie only being referenced by characters from Alexandria.

A trailer released before Season 11 of The Walking Dead premiered also gave viewers a clue that the characters would be returning. In that clip, Connie was seen leading what appeared to be an injured Virgil away from a house.

Potentially, this short scene could now feature in Sunday night’s episode.

The creature perches on a crate

AMC always releases a slew of images ahead of each episode of The Walking Dead airing. The latest set, also shared by Bleeding Cool, shows what could be one of the mysterious creatures Connie and Virgil encounter.

This creature looks like a walker at first, but the female is perched on top of a wooden crate and is holding something in her hand, indicating this is a human that is not yet undead.

She has long blond hair that is parted in the middle. Her body is covered with what appears to be dirt and/or bruises.

While the image doesn’t give away many clues, it appears to be in the same house that Connie and Virgil are sheltering, according to several other images released by AMC.

One pic of Connie and Virgil, in particular, features the same peeling wallpaper that is shown behind this strange woman on the crate.

Could this be a rogue Whisperer?

With the sudden re-emergence of the Whisperers in last week’s episode of The Walking Dead, it could be assumed that these mysterious creatures could merely be members of this group that was the main antagonist in Season 10.

Perhaps this woman, along with other Whisperers, is staying in the house that Connie and Virgil take cover in. From Episode 5, viewers already know that small pockets of the group seemed to have survived the carnage that resulted because of the Whisperer War.

Is this creature linked to a story Maggie told?

Another option is that this house might also contain the same sort of horrifying creatures that Maggie (Lauren Cohan) referred to in Episode 2 of Season 11.

During that episode, Maggie told a harrowing story about an old man that she met. While she knew he was lying to her when he invited her back to his house, she went anyway because she and her son, Hershel (Kien Michael Spiller), were starving.

Maggie quickly got the upper hand, though, and then discovered she had entered a house of horrors. Inside were women that had been mutilated and used by the man.

While Maggie killed the women, she also mentioned that there were other men that appeared to be different as well. Although, she didn’t go into great detail regarding them.

Potentially, this could be a similar situation that Virgil and Connie have entered. Until Episode 6 drops, though, it seems unlikely viewers will know for sure.

However, The Walking Dead showrunner Angela Kang did tease fans somewhat regarding the upcoming storyline, according to Comic Book.

“[Connie]’s been a resilient survivor out in the woods and we saw that she crossed with Virgil, and when we come upon them, they’re gonna be in some danger with some people who are really far gone,” Kang said.

“I won’t say much more than that. But they get to kind of star in their own little horror movie within the show. So she’s been through a lot.”

Season 11 of The Walking Dead is currently airing every Sunday night at 9/8c on AMC.
