WWE Reportedly Considering Throwback Entrance Music For Dolph Ziggler

Publish date: 2024-05-04

Dolph Ziggler has been taking fire at legends and Goldberg could give him quite a run for his money at Summerslam.

Brad Shepard reports on Oh, You Didn’t Know that there is a consideration backstage in WWE to give Dolph Ziggler an old theme song. It’s not clear if this will be an on-going angle or just a one-time deal, but apparently Randy Orton’s old theme song could fit Ziggler perfectly.

“There has been talk of Dolph Ziggler coming out to the ‘Burn In My Light’ theme for Summerslam. I don’t know if it’s gonna happen, but WWE is hoping this legend killer gimmick will catch on. Again, I have to preface this. Because this was a conversation that was had internally about doing it and you know five days from now the decision may be no. Three days from now the decision may be no, but it’s a conversation they definitely had.”

This idea between Ziggler’s current character and Orton’s old persona might not register for some fans so this idea might get nixed easily. However, the idea of hearing Orton’s old legend killer theme music even it it’s Dolph Ziggler using it sounds good to us.


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H Jenkins

I love pro wrestling and hate BS. These two things drive me. Years of experience in writing, journalism, and digging exclusive insider info for Ringside News. Worked in finance before realizing pro wrestling journalism made much less sense. Pro beachballs at pro wrestling shows, pro dives if someone catches, anti bullies, olives, and pineapples on pizza.
