What Happened To Missing Halima Jones And Ruby Joyner? funeral obits memorial

Publish date: 2024-05-03

What Happened To Missing Halima Jones And Ruby Joyner? – In the video, Boebert and her date can be seen playing with each other’s privates as they are at the “Beetlejuice” musical. Rep. Lauren Boebert was kicked out of the musical “Beetlejuice” the previous weekend in Denver for vaping and just generally being a public nuisance with her male companion. As more and more details about Rep. Boebert’s wild night out in Denver last weekend are revealed, a full picture is coming together of what the other theater patrons around her that night had to endure. Boebert and her male companion were asked to leave the theater. The newly revealed tape from the night in issue appears to show Boebert’s exposed breasts being fondled by her date for an extended amount of time while she, in turn, lazes around in his lap with her hand. The footage was taken on the night in question.

Children were sat all around the pair that night, and they were within visual range of what the couple was doing, as many people have pointed out on social media after having watched this tape. “Laurent Boebert was jerking her date off in public while he groped her in a theater where children were present and yet she continues to attack LGBTQ people as being ‘threats to children,’” writes journalist and clinical instructor Alejandra Caraballo on X, revealing the film of Boebert in the act. Caraballo also shared the video of Boebert being groped by her date. On Friday, a man from Atlanta who had been wanted for murder and other offenses after fleeing the scene of a double homicide involving his wife and a friend was arraigned in Manhattan state Supreme Court on those allegations.

Due to the fact that Lewis Joyner, 47, intends to contest his extradition, it is possible that it will be several weeks before he returns to Georgia. His attorney, Scott Brettschneider of Queens, stated that his client desires to remain in New York until the Georgia authorities free his assets, which will enable him to retain the services of another legal representative. “He’s not going to go down there until everything is satisfied in retaining counsel to represent him on this case,” Brettschneider said. “He’s not going to go down there until everything is satisfied in retaining counsel.” “Once they unfreeze his assets, we’ll be glad to waive extradition,” they said. “We’ll be glad to waive extradition.
