The 11 Saddest Things About Natasha Lyonne

Publish date: 2024-05-03

Natasha Lyonne isn't afraid to tackle big concepts in her work. For example, she told InStyle that while Season 2 of "Russian Doll" is very much rooted in reality, there's also a heady side. "Then, at the same time, it's a philosophical, epistemological, metaphysical show about spiritual concepts," she said. For someone whose work unabashedly explores such intellectual ideas, it may come as a surprise to learn that Lyonne not only dropped out of college, but she never technically graduated high school. According to The New Yorker, Lyonne was on track to finish high school via a bridge program offered through New York University. However, when she finally arrived at NYU to study film and philosophy, it proved to be a disappointment.

On "Late Night with Seth Meyers," Lyonne recalls showing up to Cinema Studies 101 that, much to her horror, was screening the classic 1979 film "Apocalypse Now." She told the dean, "If you think I'm going to pay to hang out with these teenagers and talk about 'Apocalypse Now...' If you haven't seen "Apocalypse Now" by this age, why are you in film school, honey?" The remedial nature of her studies, combined with the sticker shock of paying $60,000 for her education, caused Lyonne to drop out of college. Unfortunately, by leaving college, she didn't meet the requirements of the NYU bridge program. This meant she never received her high school diploma.
