Kenshi Yonezu Lemon (English Tran

Publish date: 2024-05-03
How good it would have been if this were all just a dream
Even now, I still dream of you
Like I’m going home to get something I’ve forgotten
I dust off my old, worn memories

The last thing you taught me
Is that there are types of happiness that don’t come back
The dark past I kept hidden and unsaid
Would have remained forever dark, if I hadn’t met you

I know there’s no possible way
I could ever be hurt any more than this

Even the sadness of those days, even the pain of those days
I loved every bit of it, with you by my side
In my heart, never coming out, is the bitter smell of lemon
I can’t go home until the rain lets up
And even now, you’re my light

In the darkness, I traced your back
I remember its outline vividly
Each time I encounter something I can’t fully accept
Nothing wells up but my tears

What were you doing? What were you looking at?
Your face turned to the side, expression unknown

If you’re somewhere now, just the way I am
Trapped in loneliness, suffering and crying
Somehow, please, just forget about me
I wish for it so strongly, with all my heart
That even now, you’re my light

Since then, when I think of you
—Someone I loved
More than I ever thought—
My breath stops
Even though you were by my side
It’s almost like a lie

But I’ll never forget it
That’s the only thing I know for sure

Even the sadness of those days, even the pain of those days
I loved every bit of it, with you by my side
In my heart, never coming out, is the bitter smell of lemon
I can’t go home until the rain lets up
Like one half of a split fruit
Even now, you’re my light
