Not impressed with Big E Langston

Publish date: 2024-05-02
Big E Langston aka Short E Langston is a joke.

He sucks in the ring and on the mic. His entrance is extremely lame.

He's pretty green if you ask me, he's the modern day Rocky Maivia except that Rocky Maivia was far more athletic, better looking, bigger, taller, more charismatic... than Big E Langston. Also, Rock became the greatest of all time while Big E won't amount to anything.

He should stay a mid-carder his whole career and towards the end of his career, they can give him a "thank you" world title.

He's flat out boring, like HEELKris said, he isn't talented whatsoever, the only reason he's getting pushed is because he's John Cena's butt buddy and he probably dances to him in his little singlet and Cena gets h0rny at it. Probably the reason Cena got divorced because Cena likes to *********e to short chubby black bodybuilders dancing in singlets.

Before Cena returned at HIAC, Big E was never to be found on WWE TV then boom Cena comes back and Big E is IC Champ and beating everyone SMH.

His entrance is a rip off of LeBron James and Kevin Garnett, they do it in the NBA, the powder thing and clapping to get the powder in the air, yeah that thing he does.

It doesn't add to his extremely lame gimmick. He doesn't even have a gimmick.

He isn't believable as a monster heel / face like Roman Reigns is. In the Henry / Reigns confrontation on SD, Big E looked like a child in front of two men.

He isn't believable as a monster face / heel nor is he an underdog so he is basically a nobody.

He got no gimmick, no charisma, no nothing. Just have a bandwagon of !diots. "OOH BIg E WON A SCRIPTED MATCH, HE'S THE BEST" smh.

I just see him as another green bodybuilder who got pushed because Vince has a weird fetish for those guys, just like Ezekiel Jackson, Ahmed Johnson... he will fail.
